Love Hurts – A quick history of Valentine’s Day

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St. Valentine
February 10, 2015
February, the 14, love is in the air. The day dedicated to lovers, friends, family and other important relationships that fill our hearts and minds, but do you really know the true story behind Valentine’s Day? Who really was St. Valentine?
There are multiple versions to the story of Valentine. In one of the more romantic versions, Valentine was imprisoned. During his imprisonment he sent the first “Valentine” to the young women he fell in love with – speculated to be the daughter of his jailor.
She visited him almost every day, and before his execution he sent her a letter signed “From your Valentine”.
Today the expression is used to sign the cards we send during that special day.
One of the other stories behind the day of love took place during the third century. Valentinus was a Christian. An oppressive Roman Emperor, Claudius II, made it a crime punishable by death to associate with a Christian. The threat could not stop Valentinus from practicing the word of Christ, so he was arrested and imprisoned.
Seeing the wisdom in him, Valentinus’ jailer asked him to teach his daughter, who had been blind since birth. Valentinus taught her of the history of Rome, and he told her about nature in great detail. She grew to trust him.
The jailer’s daughter asked him questions about God and prayed that one day she could see. One day, while she and Valentinus prayed together, she shouted, “Valentinus, I can see! I can see!”
On the eve on Valentinus’ execution, he wrote a letter to her, telling her to stay close to God, and signed it “From your Valentine”.
Today we use the expression as a signature of love. Cards are given out on the date of February 14, Valentinus’ execution date.