How to be single on Valentine’s Day

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Single students have many options on Valentine’s Day – including a group hangout.
February 14, 2015
During any regular passing period, the average amount of couples making out in the hallways appears to be, from one end to the other and across both floors, at least 25. But it feels like with Valentine’s Day coming up the number has doubled, especially when you lack having a partner to kiss in the hallway. Whether it be because your datemate does not go here or they have yet to exist in your life, always know that there are a couple backup ideas for what to do on Valentine’s Day.
The Single People’s Guide to Valentine’s Day:
The privileges of Feb. 15 are easily the best part—everywhere that was previously selling chocolates and candies have to get rid of them. All the heart shaped boxes and bears with little hearts in their hands with “I Love You!” and “You Mean Beary Much To Me” inscribed in them have to face their doom soon. Apparently couples are unable to do that so much year-round, but at least that means all those goodies are 50 percent off or more.
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If you are unsure of what you want to do the night of, there are many an option. If you would prefer a night in, whether it be to sulk or to take some time for yourself, ordering a pizza and streaming Netflix or Hulu Plus is a great way to wind down and catch up on all your favorite shows. Take some time off and let it go.
Alternatively, if you are not feeling up to watching TV, or if you are not in the vicinity of one, music is one of the greatest healers out there. Make a playlist on Spotify, or even listen to one of the ones you already have or that Spotify made, and get in whichever mood you feel like. Whether you want to lay around sad, make a hate playlist for the ex that stomped on your heart, or play all the best pop tunes to dance the night away and distract yourself from reality, you have the world of music at your hands, ready to help you shake it off (except, unfortunately, for “Shake It Off”, but then you can switch to YouTube).
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For those who would rather not stay cooped up by themselves, plan an outing with your other single friends. None of you will have to worry about the things that your friends in a relationship will (texting them back, avoiding specific topics and practices, etc.) and you can party as hard as you want to. You and your friends can go to dinner or the movies. Plan a trip to the mall and get in some retail therapy. Shopping never hurt anyone, except maybe your wallet, but that’s a whole other story. Get that new shirt; you know it makes you look awesome anyway.
Take some time to do something for yourself. Spend your Valentine’s with someone who deserves you—you!