Dancing with the Star-Gazers
Photo by: Carly Gutierrez
January 27, 2015
Junior Marlon Manueles has proven that there are no limits as to what one can accomplish. Manueles tried out to be on the Dazzlers team and made the cut for the 2015-2016 year. Manueles is not the first male to make the cut for a drill team in CFISD, but he is the first male to be part of the Cy-Ridge drill team, the Dazzlers.
Like any beginner, Manueles started from the bottom and has gradually made his way up to the point where he is now.
“I started dancing when I was little, but then I stopped,” Manueles said. “I started dancing again in eighth grade and I’ve been dancing since then. I’ve always wanted to be on a drill team, but I didn’t know if, you know, if I could be in it because it’s all girls on the drill team. But then my friends were like, try. I talked to my directors and they’re like, ‘you can do it’ and I tried out.”
The journey to try out is not easy for any dancer, especially for Manueles. The experience leading up to the tryouts is a dancer’s make it or break it point.
“Well, the experience, it was really nerve racking because I didn’t know if they would accept me, because I’m a guy,” Manueles said. “But then I was like, you know if you give it your all, it’s up to them now, you know? I was really nervous but I did my best, and I made it.”

As for now, Manueles is a Star Gazer, a new dancer until he is inducted to be a Dazzler in the spring of 2015. But his excitement does not fail to show considering the few months he still has to go.
“It feels really good,” Manueles said. “I’m very excited for the next year to become a Dazzler. Showing people on the field like ‘oh that’s a guy, he did it and he has the skills that these other girls have, and nothings stopping him, he’s just being determined.’ Just to experience being with all the Dazzlers, making more friendships and people to have your back and support. Yeah I’m just really happy I made it.”
Motivation plays a big role whether it is doing it for you or for other people, it is the key that keeps someone going.
“There’s other guys that dance, but they didn’t try out because, you know, the gender thing,” Manueles said. “So I don’t know I’m always like out there with things. I really don’t care what people think because if I know I can do it then that’s all the motivation I need. Yeah I just want to give other people the motivation that you can do whatever you want to do.”
As a backbone to motivation, there is inspiration and support that comes from others.
“My mom and my step dad, they’re really supportive of it,” Manueles said. “They were like, ‘you know try your best. If you don’t make it, you know always try again never give up. This is what you want. Go for it, and we’re always going to be here as a backbone.’”
As of now, dancing plays a big role in Manueles’ life, but the future holds other plans, as he is a junior soon to be senior.
“I want to go to A&M or Texas State, I haven’t picked yet,” Manueles said. “I’d like to go into business management or business finance. I like the whole aspect of business.”
Pursuing a passion is hard when other people are questioning and doubting your ability to what you love. All in all, Manueles’ message is clear to anyone going through the same situation he did.
“You know there’s always going to be people that go against you,” Manueles said. “Some people are like ‘oh there’s a guy on the drill team, it’s all for girls’, but I think that now that we’re in the 21st century. Those blockages, like, walls, can’t stop you anymore. There are so many opportunities in the world. If you really want this for yourself the only person that’s going to make it happen is yourself. You have to go for it whether it’s dance or football or any other sport. There’s always someone that’s going to put you down, but as long as you know you have it you’re going to do well.”