Joining the Military After School
Some student choose college, some enter the workforce. Others enlist.
January 26, 2018
As the year is coming to an end, seniors are left with choices that will affect the path of their lives. Some of the choices are going to college to pursue their career or perform their civic duty by serving in the United States military. Some students go on to college to pursue their desired jobs, while others go straight to work, but there are those who choose to give their lives to protect their country and those they love. These are the students who choose to join a branch of the United States military.

The color guard present the flags at the Multicultural Event for Black History Month.
Senior Brian Lopez is considering to join the Marine special forces, even though his parents do not want him to enlist.
“I feel indebted to serve my country,” Lopez said.
Senior Paul Behrend plans to enlist in the Marines because he is attracted to the “challenge and tradition” the Marines are reputed as having. “The military may not be the best option for everyone but it has a lot of benefits,” Behrend said. Behrend feels that the Marines would provide the right kind of experience for him to pursue his civilian career goal of being in the police force.
MSgt. Merell King, AF JROTC instructor has a lot of insight into the military, as she served in the Air Force and later decided to teach JROTC. One of the benefits she said the service gives is that it offers “exposure, travel, and education,” While these are good things the military can offer, she does agree with the fact that “there is always a possibility of conflict,” which can mean danger to the individuals in the service.
Being in the service is not for everyone. It offers a lot of benefits, which are balanced against the possible danger of actual armed conflict. But as MSgt. King summed it up, “if someone doesn’t go, then who will?”