Future teachers helping teachers

Photo by: Mercedez Rodriguez
TAFE club members and Caleb Sanderson, club sponsor, engage in a round of the card game Mafia.
December 1, 2014
Texas Association Future Educators or TAFE for short is a club of around 20 members dedicated to helping teachers with their stressful jobs. Being in this clubs does not mean that you have to be a teacher, most students do not even want to follow in that career path, but these students are here to support their educators.
“We try to give the students a chance to learn more about the teaching profession and to appreciate them,” Norin Sarn said. Sarn is a junior this year and has been in TAFE since last year.
These students are here to help their teachers through a program called Adopted a Teacher. When you adopt a teacher, you go to the teacher’s class for an hour or two to help with whatever the teacher could use assistance with.
“People think it’s just grading papers the whole time. It’s really fun, you get a relationship with the teacher and you have fun,” Myriq Freeman said. Freeman is a freshman who finds time to balance cross country, his school work and TAFE.
During clubs meeting, the room is filled with corny jokes and just friendly teasing. The students have fun socials and play games card games like Mafia, where they crack jokes while trying to see who the killer is.
“It’s a very energetic club,” Kashika Jha said. “Our socials are amazing.” Senior Jha was last year’s vice president. She joined the club with hopes to make a difference in the club.
TAFE gives students a new perspective on teachers and shows that teachers are not just robots giving you massive amount of homework, they are people too. Teachers have more than 150 students that they see every day, and probably have way over 200 assignments they have to quickly grade to help their students.
“Sometimes students disrespect teachers, I feel like I owe them something,” Sarn says.
The next meeting has not been scheduled, but students can feel free to stop by room 2606 for more information.