Varsity Tennis Season Results
Varsity tennis results for spring season of 2018

Photo by: Terry Stanley
Allyson Songvilay and Luis Powers after a match.
February 28, 2018
On Friday, Feb. 23, the tennis team made school history winning 1st place in every event held at the Waller tennis tournament.
Sophomore Gabby Scarmardi has had a total of four wins since she first started playing tennis this year. She’s been playing tennis since she was six and did swimming for five years. Even though there’s many people whom you can look up to, Scarmardi chose to look up to a famous tennis player.
”I look up to Maria Sharapova and Roger Federer. They both have a lot of skill and Roger is like the best tennis player in the world for men’s, and I look up to them because they both have been through a lot, especially Maria Sharapova, like she’s gotten into many accidents, but since then she’s changed her ways and got back on the tennis court better than she was before,” Scarmardi said.
“For school, it’s because I really enjoy being in tennis and playing with my friends. I especially like going to tournaments because I like the feeling of playing constantly. It’s an enjoyment to me, like to relieve stress and everything. That’s why I like playing tennis during school because it relieves my stress from school work.”
Freshman My Nguyen just started playing tennis in December 2017 and for her first tournament, Nguyen got fourth place. Nguyen believes that she’s gotten better since she first started playing tennis and hopes to continue to play later on in the future.
For Nguyen, to continue playing tennis later in life does not necessarily mean that you’re going to play it professionally. It could mean you would play it for college or your community.
“Maybe in college if I can make it that long, but professionally I wouldn’t play because I don’t think I’m that good,” Nguyen said.

First row: Lexi Campbell, My Nguyen, An Dang, Alejandra Rangel, Daniela Lopez Antonio, Shaina Magon
Second row: Jia Liang, Sithavy Pheach, Serine Nayef, Trinity Nguyen, Angie Da Silva, Katrina Luong, Sydney Perez
Back row: Angelica Mendoza, Meichi Chen, Katie Rincon, Phuong Tran, James Crawford, Jun Li, Jessica Nguyen, Rihab Elsafdi, Trinity Becklin
Sophomore Allyson Songvilay played tennis when she was a kid for two years then she stopped and recently picked up the racket again last year during the spring. She also played volleyball for three years throughout her middle and high school years, but for now, she just plays for fun.
To some people, tennis might just be a sport but to people who have played tennis for a while or have known the game, tennis can be so much more.
“Tennis has definitely made a huge impact on my life because my life is basically based around school and tennis. But definitely, tennis has taught me how to manage my time and to work hard. I’ve also met so many great people through tennis. It’s hard to imagine me not being friends with them,” Nguyen said
According to Scarmardi, when she wins a game or a match she feels her self-confidence escalating.
”These wins have affected my self-confidence because whenever I don’t do well I kinda feel like ‘oh my god, I could’ve tried harder’, but I know that I did try my best in each shot I hit but it does affect how I feel about myself when I play,” Scarmardi said.