Life After High School
Seniors and juniors decide what colleges to attend after high school.

Logo of the Stephen F. Austin university
May 1, 2018
As the end of the school year is quickly approaching, both juniors and seniors are looking into colleges that they would like to attend after high school. Some people go to college for a better life and some go to better their education.
Senior Antwone Roberson would like to attend Baylor University, Stephen F. Austin University, Sam Houston University, Hampton University or Texas A&M University to pursue a career in music or engineering.
“I’ve taken choir for four years, music theory for two years and I took an engineering class and camp called Schlumberger for two years,” Roberson said. “I would personally like to focus on vocal performance and sound engineering because music makes me comfortable in any situation.”
Scholarships are payments made to support a student’s education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievements.
Junior Laquisha Taylor wants to go to Louisiana State University but wants to get her basic classes out of the way at Lone Star College to work with young kids.

Louisiana State University logo.
“I haven’t applied for any scholarships so far, I haven’t really had a chance to look into what scholarships I can apply for,” Taylor said. “With me only being a junior it’s been hard to have any extra time and look into scholarships that I would be able to apply for, but hopefully when I’m a senior, I’ll have more time and someone can actually teach me on how to apply because I really don’t want to live just a basic life, and I don’t want to pay a lot of money for college, so hopefully one can come my way.”
Senior Lynett Carrera has been looking into the University Of Houston and she plans on becoming a psychologist by starting her basics off at Lone Star College.

University of Houston logo.
There are many people one can look to for inspiration but sometimes inspiration can be closer to home than one might think.
“I find inspiration from my siblings because none of my siblings have been to college and I want to be the first one to go,” Carrera said.
Luckily there are many ways to prepare for high school but change is a part of life, changing from going to a middle school with 500 kids maximum and then going onto a high school with over 2,000 kids can be hard.
“To me, high school and middle school are the same, it’s just high school is a lot bigger and a lot more people, but I actually got my own experience at home by learning how to be an individual,” Roberson said.
There are many colleges one can go to that are in Texas, but one can still go to college that is out of state.
“I want to stay in state, but I also want to go to LSU. But if I end up staying in Texas, I don’t wanna live near my parents because my mom would be at my house or apartment every day asking if I need anything, and I love my mom, but I want to learn how to grow on my own,” Taylor said.