Yippie ki yay the Texas Rodeo is on the way!
It’s Rodeo Time

NRG Stadium where concerts are held.
February 11, 2018
In the month of February is not only about valentine’s day or black history month but it is also a time for fun in the state of Texas it is when the rodeo is here. Texans always look forward to for this time because it only comes once every year, this is where family and friends can go to the carnival, see celebrities perform or even go for the food.
Gary Darby, a junior, he loves going to the rodeo especially because of the fried food at this event and he always looks forward to the food but he also enjoys the rides as well.
“I enjoy the Ferris wheel at night, oh also the food they have really good fried food,” Darby said.
Although the food might be good for Darby it can get very crowded in the food area or at least that’s what junior, Anahi Rodriguez claims it to be.
Rodriguez claims that it’s too crowded that people don’t have enough room to sit or to even walk without out bumping into each other.
“I would add more tables for the people to be able to have more room to eat it be too crowded especially the little food court they have,” Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez isn’t the only one that thinks the rodeo should add more space junior, Daisy Solorsano agrees.
“The rodeo needs to add more space it just gets too crowded everyone running into one another because of the limited space we have,” Solorsano said.
Even though space may be an issue another issue is the smell of the rodeo, people think it smells like a petting zoo.
“I would change the smell it be smelling too much like a petting zoo,” Darby said, Rodriguez also consider the rodeo smell as a smelly place but only in certain areas mainly were the animals are or the sewers.
“The smell it stinks only in certain spots though like were their animals are or especially where the trash cans are,” Rodriguez said.
Besides the smell and crowded issue, the rodeo is where the people enjoy themselves, from the food to the rides and to the performances but that isn’t enough for some of the people. Rodriguez and Darby think they should add more rides not only for the adults but for the little ones too.
“Add more rides for not only the big kids but the little kids too, because I have little cousins I want them to be able to have more options,” Rodriguez said.
Also, Darby mentions “Add more rides.” not only are more rides are wanted to be added but some want animal rides like Solorsano.
“I would like them to add horseback riding, I think it would draw more people to the rodeo if they were to add that.”
Solorsano said. Horseback riding would draw more attention to the rodeo especially because it only comes once every year, which would make people wanna go more but some Texas people believe this event should be year round, while others believe it should stay the way it is.
“No, it shouldn’t be all year round because it should be at a certain time of year it’s like that one special event everyone goes to,” Darby said. Also, Rodriguez added, “No the rodeo should stay the way it is because then people will eventually get tired of it.”
The rodeo comes only once every year where families and friends come together to enjoy one another company whether eating the food, riding rides and going to see performances. Rodeo wouldn’t be as exciting if it was all year round Texas people wouldn’t want to go
“No the rodeo shouldn’t be all year round because then people wouldn’t look forward to it if they keep as it is people look forward to it,” Solorsano said.