Growth Since Freshman Year
Seniors reflect on their growth since freshman year and focus on the new opportunities in their fast approaching future.
May 21, 2018

If you look back on the first day of your freshman year you may remember the feeling of being nervous or excited to enter high school. One may begin to reflect on past behaviors, the way one used to dress, and the friends you used to have. Juniors and seniors reflect on their past three to four years in high school and see how far they have come.
Juniors and seniors change constantly during their high school journey as they develop into adults. Students begin to reflect on their past years when they were a freshman in school to how they will be in the future.
“When I first got into high school, I thought ‘man this is going to take forever’ but as high school went on I saw that the more you work and the more activities you’re in it goes by much faster,” senior Devin Galo said.
High school is full of opportunity, and activity, so it’s hard to keep still. There’s plenty of people to meet and socialize with. There are over 20 clubs to join on campus, students could be apart of athletics by joining a sport, or even helping out athletes on and off the field by becoming an athletic trainer. Band, orchestra, and choir could help enhance a student’s musical talent. AFJROTC will prepare students for Air Force opportunities. While art and foreign language clubs could help a student see the beauty of all cultures.
Senior Xandria Reyes, mentions that when coming into high school she was really shy and to herself, but then she realized that in order to be successful Reyes had to learn how to interact with people and open up a little bit.
“High school was good due to the fact that I met more people than I met in middle school,” Reyes said. “I think I’m less shy than before, I wouldn’t call it outgoing, but I’ve met cool people.”
Junior Charity McDuffie said she learned maturity and gained a better understanding in her three years of secondary education.
“Freshman year, I was rowdy, hyper, and loud all the time, but I’ve become more humble and calm about certain situations,” McDuffie said.
During this four year journey, it is not uncommon to assume that you will leave with the same friends you came in with, but in reality, navigating relationships and friendships can be the most common lesson learned in school. People often learn that you win some and lose some, but without the negative energy around you, one can become better.
“The lesson I learned in school is that people change all the time,” junior Imer Lopez said. Lopez also mentions that during his journey he had to be considerate of people’s emotions because it could damage relationships.
“What I’ve learned in high school is that you should be careful with people’s feelings, like be considerate of others,” Lopez said.
Students do not only gain relationships with peers, but with teachers as well. Teachers encourage them to do better and be better. When students build their relationships with their teachers, teachers could help them with their future by giving recommendations, or they could refer students to certain opportunities that could benefit their students future. Students also help teachers, students are the reason teachers teach. Students remind staff why they love what they do.
“Coach Jarrod Hunter helped me grow throughout the years so far, he left, but he was helpful,” Lopez said.
There are teachers that inspire students and give them a personal friend someone to talk to when a student needs comforting. Teachers are mostly remembered for the way they help students and interact with them.
“Ms. [Soul-Lana] Singh is my inspiration, she keeps me out of trouble. I love and appreciate the way she helps me become a better me,” McDuffie said.
Let’s not forget the support at home; for all the times’ students may want to give up, our families there to give us a little push to keep going.
“My brother and parents helped inspire me by using wise words of encouragement, with their help I feel like I can inspire my younger siblings to do good in school,” Galo said.
Upperclassmen realize that all of their high school experiences are going to make them a responsible young adult or will break them, and will have them struggling in the real world.
“I would say I’m ready in a way, yes, there’s more to learn along the way, and I can do it my way rather than trying to follow someone else’s path,” Reyes said.
McDuffie uses quotes to help her stay motivated and focused on the independent life she will soon have to live.
‘No expectations, no disappointment’, that’s my motto for my life, and that’s how I will live and look back on life with,” McDuffie said.