What’s in a GPA?
Find out how much your GPA affects your academic career.

May 1, 2018
As juniors and seniors approach the end of the year they begin to question if whether or not their hard work will take them somewhere. Their main concern is how their grade point avearge (GPA) will affect their college admittance as college begins closing in.
College and career counselor Abbey Bryan said colleges want to see students demonstrate their academic ability and that a GPA outside of the top 10 percent does not mean they are not eligible for colleges.
“A high GPA shows academic achievement versus a student with low GPA relies on test scores to prove their academic ability. With a high GPA you can have low test scores and vice versa,” Bryan said. “GPA scores are highly competitive with colleges and universities, making them really take GPA into consideration.”
GPA rate is calculated through 6.0 grading scale set so that students taking advanced courses (K level, dual credit, and advanced placement) have a single point advantage when it comes to calculating their GPA. For example, a student earning a 95 in a K level course would get seven points and a student taking on-level courses would only receive six points for the same grade.
Senior Dennis Barrios is currently taking on level courses to help him obtain a satisfying GPA as his graduation is closing in.
“The GPA system may seem to give on level students a disadvantage, but it actually helps students get a GPA they deserve while learning at their pace,” Barrios said. Junior Brianna Romo is not satisfied with the current way students are ranked and would like to see changes.
“The GPA system needs tough improvement, as well as with the ranking system. Students shouldn’t be defined by a number but instead for their dedication to achieve and innovate,” Romo said.
In order to increase your GPA, Bryan suggests taking advanced level courses as they are a method of preparation towards college work.
“It is going to speak to admission representatives in the application process,” Bryan said.“For many students, this is a financially responsible decision. For example in U of H, an English class will cost $350, an English dual credit course would cost $70 on average here, and an AP course is less than $100,” Bryan said.
Different level courses have a varied effect on student schedules and this can oftentimes be the reason why they choose between an on level or advanced level course.
“The [on-level] courses make it easier for me to learn, and it gives me more time to go to tutorials and work during my free time,” Barrios said.
“My GPA can definitely be higher, but with all that is going on in my life and the busy lifestyle I live, I’m not too upset about it,” Romo said.