Operation Homecoming Door Decoration
Teachers compete in the homecoming door decorating contest , the teachers compete for a class pizza party, only three doors were nominated.
Photo by: Stephanie Siddall
The Disney inspired theme was “ A Journey to Neverland”. 11 teachers participated in the competition for a class pizza party on homecoming week.
October 14, 2017
Students and teachers competed in the annual homecoming door decorating contest on the 10-13th of October, for the prize of a class pizza party. Each group had to make a door related to the homecoming theme “A Journey to Neverland”.
“It collectively took my students and I three days to come up with an idea for our door,” says Kevin Wagner, Ceramics teacher, said. On Wagner’s door, there was a 3-D ship, a fairy Ramsey Ram with pixie dust, and silhouettes of Peter Pan and Wendy flying through the spray-painted night sky above a skyline that said “Homecoming ‘17 CRHS”. The ship featured, with a small bobcat walking the plank, to represent the school’s football opponent for the homecoming game: Cypress Fair High School.
There were 11 doors that competed in this year’s contest. These creators of these doors were the ceramics class cosmetology, interior design, computer science club, PALS 4th, 5th, 6th periods, Life Skills 1 and 2, Ms. Wall’s third period U.S. History class, and Mrs. Grinstead’s 5th period World History class. Only three were selected, the top three doors were announced during first pep-rally. Kevin Wagner placed first with his 3-D ship, Interior Design placed second with their “Ram Nation” clock, and Danielle Wall placed 3rd with her “A Journey to Neverland” door.
“The judges reviewed the photos of the doors taken before casting their votes. I had a hard time picking my favorites; I wanted to pick them all. I thought everyone’s door was different. Like some had boats and others had different designs,” Harrell said.
This year’s judges were Carolyn Harrell, Erica Bell, Sonya Hernandez, Andrea Parker, Maureen Thomas, Sarah Pierson, Caleb Sanderson, Laura Davis, Miranda Bussey, Christine Blozinski, Peggy Burthrorn, Amanda Moreno, Sara Madden, Marisol Dexter, Dwight Aikey, and Daniel Cantu.
The contestants had approximately a week to think of a design and begin creating their door. Which means the groups had to quickly gain inspiration for their ideas, and once they figured out their designs, the creativity began to flow.
Wall’s door placed second, she made a realistic moon with Peter Pan’s flying silhouette in the middle of the moon, with Wendy’s not too far behind. There were cotton balls combined together to make clouds, a sparkling Tinkerbell, sprinkling gold pixie dust above an England skyline, with a quote from “A Journey to Neverland, HOCO 2017”. “It took my class about 20 minutes to come up with an idea, it was a do as you type deal,” Wall said.
The participants this year favored the homecoming theme. They thought of it as an inspiration to their creativity.
“What sparked my creativity for the design the theme. Once I did more research on the theme and heard my students ideas, we started to work,” Wagner said.
Not only did the teachers gain plenty ideas from the theme, but from the attire as well.
“The homecoming t-shirt was kinda the inspiration. I thought it was so cute,” Wall said.
Kevin Wagner and Danielle Wall thought the competition was an opportunity to bond with students, a friendship builder for students and their peers, and a demonstration of RAM PRIDE.
“I participated this year to encourage students to be more involved in a school spirit activities. To help build friendships among students. It was an opportunity to work with students in a non-academic setting. It also gives us something to be proud of,” Wall said.