Celebrating HOCO with Dress Up Days
Homecoming is exciting but the dress up days leading up to it, even more so, and these are some costumes on just how exciting it can be.
Photo by: Andrea Sarmiento
Student Keianna Henfield dressed up as ‘Tooru’ from her favorite anime ‘Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid’ for this years Homecoming character day.
October 16, 2017
Tuesday morning the hallways flooded with students dressed up as many different characters for the homecoming dress up week.
For the first day of “Character Day”, some following the Night in Neverland theme of the dance and came as Peter Pan, Wendy Darling, and Tinkerbell. Other students dressed up as cartoon and television characters as well.
sophomore D’mya White who chose this day to dress up as someone she was inspired by.
“I was dressed up as Penny Proud from ‘The Proud Family, cause’ you don’t really see that many black characters being dressed up, and I was like ‘okay let me just think out of the box from everybody else’,” White said.
After Tuesday, students participated in “Generation day’, ‘Tacky Tourist day’, with Friday ending with ‘Spirit day’. Junior Keianna Henfield, was feeling the homecoming spirit this year and cosplayed many of her favorite characters and generation decade.
“Basically like for the Decades Day I always had a nice polka dot swing dress, and I was like ‘hey I could just be a 50’s housewife’; and then for Character Day I dressed up as my favorite character from an anime I watch and was like ‘hmm… I can do that’. I was Tooru from ‘Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid ’. I’m making her tail right now and her horns [to finish the costume],” Henfield said.
Students participate in Dress Up week for different reasons and some choose not to at all. Senior Emily Roberts, due to some mix-ups, only got to participate in a few of the days.
“I tried to dress up for one day but I got it wrong, I got dressed up for [character day] cause I got it flipped with Tuesday [generation day], it was weird,” Roberts said. “I was like ‘oops my bad’ but technically it could’ve worked cause I was dressed up like someone from the 80’s,”
Tacky Tourist Tuesday was also popular with the number of students that dressed up. The idea is to dress up as a “tourist” in a new place and to make it know that you are a foreign person. Many who participated wore Hawaiian shirts and shorts, but other students like Roberts went all out on this Tacky day.
“I had khaki shorts, a black tank top with a Hawaiian shirt [on top], I had binoculars, an adventure hat, I had [a] fanny pack, sandals with socks, and then I had sunglasses that [were] the perfect tourist glasses like the ones that have extra rims around them,” Roberts said.
The week of costumes ended with a Spirit Day on Friday, which was represented with the homecoming shirt or school shirt and after school, some painted their faces for the game. Later in the day, a pep-rally was hosted to encourage students to not only attend Homecoming but the Homecoming football game as well.
Henfield really enjoyed the childhood aspect of the theme and the dress up of the week.
“Everyone likes Disney characters, and everyone likes to feel like a kid again. So that’s what probably made it really sparkly and magical for everyone” said Henfield.