Top 10 Thanksgiving Southern Foods
Great foods for a great holiday season
November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving is meant for some turkey consumption.
Photo by: Lizeth Gonzalez
Thanksgiving time is near and what better way to commemorate this festive time than breaking down the most essential southern food items you must eat during the holidays.
10. Macaroni and Cheese: Although this is a classic for an ordinary dinner, Macaroni and Cheese is a side dish. Depending on who makes it, makes all the difference on whether your gonna go back for more or politely deny another spoonful. The cheesy mix is delicious and could be on leftovers day.
9. Sweet Potatoes: Although I personally consider this more of a desert, I frequently see it being served at the dinner table with the Thanksgiving turkey. The sweet smell makes anyone crave it’s delicious taste. It’s best to eat it when your done with the turkey, but if you enjoy it with turkey, all the power to ya!
8. Cranberry Sauce: It may be because of my hispanic heritage that I don’t specifically put this on my plate, but it tends to be a popular tradition for holiday feasts. Alone it’s a dish best served on toasted bread. In my home, cranberry sauce is not a frequent thing put at the dinner table during Thanksgiving, but when it does land at the table, it taste delicious on turkey (or so my dad says) and on warm toasted bread.
7. Roasted Vegetables: As a young kid, I strongly disliked vegetables, the taste of broccoli was not what I wanted on Thanksgiving day. But for young adults and, well, adults, it’s a delicious palate cleanser from the salty and savory food that you’ve been indulging on since dinner began.
6. Hashbrown Casserole: Maybe it’s just because I love anything with sour cream or maybe because of it’s cheesy taste, but if I see hashbrown casserole on the table it has to be on my plate. Even if your aunt threw it together from whatever recipe she found on pinterest that morning, there is no way you can go bad with this casserole.
5. Deviled Eggs: A lot of people say this is just something people serve before the dinner is ready but for my family, it is a key food during thanksgiving dinner. The nice creamy yolk makes you wanna grab three or four before anyone else, and it’s a nice spread to go on any crescent rolls, if you’re adventurous.
4. Whole Green Beans: I know a vegetable as a topic pick seems sort of weird, but when it comes to green beans that have been steamed and dressed with some salt and butter, there’s no possible way for you not to pick up a spoonful and keep going back for more since not all kids like it..more for you!
3. King’s Hawaiian Rolls: Although everyone loves Pillsbury rolls the taste of King’s Hawaiian Rolls on Thanksgiving day is just what makes the dinner. The slight sweet taste and the soft warm roll combined with turkey just makes it the most favorable part of the dinner. f you have leftovers and you can make turkey sandwiches for Black Friday night.
2. Garlic Mashed Potatoes: I have to consider this as one of the most important components of thanksgiving dinner. The garlic taste combined with butter and sour cream is the most delicious thing I have ever set my eyes on. I don’t care for the number of people at the dinner table, 25 percent of my dinner plate is garlic mashed potatoes, no exception.
1: Turkey: What would thanksgiving be without this great turkey! If you deep fry it, bake it, grill it or even just buy turkey breast from the store, it is the most delicious thing to eat. The turkey is the definition of Thanksgiving. Although some people like to eat only ham for thanksgiving, I am a huge turkey fan! It brings the entire dinner together with it’s warm meat and yummy skin. But be warned, after eating your eight course meal of deliciousness, be prepared to fall asleep in the upcoming 30 minutes!