Boxing the Lunch
Amazing Things For an Even More Amazing Mission.
May 18, 2017

On the opening of BoxLunch’s Willowbrook Houston, Tx location on September 3, 2016, they expanded their locations to a total of 35 stores.
Wandering around Willowbrook Mall I look at all the same stores I have always seen, as the feeling of boredom started to creep in faster and faster. Looking around once more I turn to leave when I spot a store I have been keeping my eye on for a few months finally opened up: BoxLunch.
The name may throw people off, even I was at first confused when I heard about the establishment, but this store created by Hot Topic is crammed full of something for everyone no matter the age. Whether you like Dr.Who, Harry Potter, Disney characters, anime, Funky Pop or Pokémon even NASA, there is a treasure here for you. And if you are not into trendy items, there are also clothing items for women/men/kids, home decorations, accessories and sciency things.
Even though BoxLunch only recently launched in Houston on September 3, 2016, the store has been around for the past year.
Making its official debut on October 14, 2015 in California, BoxLunch has already changed 1 million lives with their “Get Some, Give Back” mission. For every $10 a customer spends at BoxLunch, the company provides a meal to a person in need as a part of their partnership with food bank organization Feeding America.
Even though some may say that BoxLunch is like a more organized Hot Topic, this more or less isn’t really true. It is true though that Hot Topic and BoxLunch may attract the same crowd but BoxLunch is one of those places where any person from any age group can go in there and find something for themselves, unlike Hot Topic so to speak where it is more of the “teen alternative/rocker” vibe. But besides this difference BoxLunch has that one major difference: mission to give back.
So not only does BoxLunch have wicked cool knick knacks and “nerdy” things for everyone to enjoy but, they also have great customer service and provide meals for those who may need that extra help; so to say the least BoxLunch has become one of my favorite stores.