Journalists Win Awards at ILPC Convention
Photo by: Baquero
CRHS Press students attend the ILPC state journalism convention in Austin April 22-23. Pictured (standing) are: Jassmen King, Jennifer Rodriguez, Jonathan Estrada, Ashley Rowe, Hailey Procter, Lizeth Gonzalez, Rodrigo Rojas and Luis Duque; and (kneeling) Dominique Escobar and Gabriela Rodriguez.
April 22, 2017
Ten newspaper and yearbook students traveled to Austin, Texas on April 22-23 to attend the Interscholastic League Press Conference (ILPC) at the University of Texas where both The Rampage Newspaper and The Charger Yearbook received honors from competition and publication evaluations.
- Kennedy Jennings earned a honorable mention for Secondary Coverage/Alternative Copy Treatment in the Yearbook Individual Achievement division.
- The Rampage Newspaper and the Charger Yearbook both receive the Award of Achievement ranking.
- The 2015-2016 Charger Yearbook received recognition in Balfour’s Yearbook Yearbook – a showcase of publications across the nation.
Jennings, a junior and yearbook design editor, wanted to take the content of the yearbook to another level.
“I chose D’Angelo Ellis and Kevin LeDee specifically because D’Angelo was an underrated backbone of the team last year, and I felt that Kevin was going to be the same way in the upcoming year,” Jennings said. “So I wanted to represent the present and then further showcase how our football team is close. They are not just players out there; they are actually brothers.
Student publications are judged and assigned ratings by publications specialists. The judges are master teachers who have advised award-winning publications and who know the nuances of student publications.
At the convention, the students attended sessions about writing, editing, reporting, management, advertising, photography, videography and graphic design. Presenters included professional journalists, professors, teachers and advocates.
Senior Jassmen King, newspaper managing editor, attended the trip to Austin for a second year in a row.
“I just loved being with the Rampage staff on this one final trip in a place I love, together,” Jassmen King said. “This staff has become my home away from home, and despite some differences, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Kennedy Jennings created this quote-based secondary treatment to showcase two football players for the 2016 yearbook. Jennings won honorable mention.