Tennis Team Makes its Mark in Magnolia
Three players bring back the gold in both girls singles and mixed doubles.

Photo by: Terry Stanley
Players Michael Pham and Brittney Tran show off their gold medal after the tournament. Photo by: Terry Stanley
March 2, 2017
Tennis players sophomores Kaitlyn Nguyen, Michael Pham, and Brittney Tran won gold at the tennis tournament against Magnolia in both girls singles and mixed doubles. Feb. 28. Although the team has gone against Magnolia before, they have not placed gold against them.
Nguyen had finally snapped her 2 year streak of second place and won first place gold however it wasn’t the first time she had won gold. Nguyen has played tennis since 6th grade and has competed in many tournaments in throughout her middle and high school career. However, even with all the experience she still managed to get nervous as well as Tran one of her teammates.

“Usually in the beginning [of a tournament] when I play, I’m like nervous and stuff, so I play bad”, Nguyen said. “When I practice and I start playing and stuff, I feel like more confident, and then that’s when I feel better. I play better.”
While winning gold in singles is impressive, winning gold in mixed doubles is impressive just the same, Specifically when it’s not just having to worry about you, yourself doing good but you have to worry about your teammate and making sure you work together. Brittney Tran knows this very well as she has worked with many partners, her recent being Michael Pham.
“Playing in mixed doubles can be scary, and I do get nervous bur working with Michael is fun and we usually just get a five-minute practice before playing for real,” Tran said
Nonetheless, our tennis players brought back two gold medals and hopefully they won’t be the last ones our amazing team will receive, also a special congratulation to our players Kaitlyn Nguyen, Brittney Tran, and Michael Pham.
“winning gold is honestly such an honor, it wasn’t the first time we won and hopefully won’t be the last,” Tran said.