The Pre-College Checklist
Before you start the next chapter in your life, take these tips into consideration.
May 5, 2017

Senior year is finally coming to end, so now it is time to get ready for your future. Your immediate future that is. College can be a bit overwhelming and exciting all at the same time. Not only is it a different environment to adjust to but it is a huge stepping stone to becoming an adult. You have been accepted into college, but there are still a ton of tasks that have to finish in order for you to attend that college.
1. Make sure your FAFSA was reviewed.
Before arriving to college and finding out that your FAFSA did not go through, take some time to visit or contact the college’s office of financial aid you will be attending to make sure the money will be there. This is very important because if you do not check during the summer and just blow off getting a job (which you should not do), you are going to be in a very stressful situation on day one. So, to save yourself from a panic attack, just go and verify the money is guaranteed.
2. Register for your fall classes as soon as possible.
One thing you MUST do is enroll in your fall classes as soon as your university allows. Classes will not be automatically assigned to you like in high school, and there is a large group of freshmen who will be competing for the limited seats in each class. Therefore, check your school’s website for enrollment dates and set up all the classes you plan on taking that semester. Once enrollment opens, choose your courses quickly because you might not be guaranteed a spot in a class you want or need. And let’s face it. No one wants to end up in the 8 a.m. Friday class.
3. Buy your textbooks and any additional supplies.
Before your first day of classes, stocking up on necessary supplies like pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, scantrons, etc. is a mandatory thing that you should do. Although, this year you will be buying you own textbooks, you should wait until classes begin because each class is different and you do not want to buy a textbook you might not even need. Additional tip, there are always resources you can use such as libraries, the internet, and discounted book stores that can save you from spending hundreds of dollars. The wait can be frustrating, but save yourself the trouble and wait for your professor to give you a definite answer on which books to get. Bonus tip: Do not write in the book until you are sure you need it!
4. Learn how to budget your money wisely.
If you do not know how to budget your money, you need to learn how before attending college and starting this new challenging journey. Learning how to budget your money will be very beneficial for you so that you discipline yourself when handling your funds from your parents and your own savings. Growing up comes with a lot of responsibilities you must know because this is the real deal now, and it is your time to start your life. Budgeting is not only for college, it’s a life concept you must know to be successful in this world.
5. Get a job so that you can save some money for college.
There are multiple ways you can pay for college through scholarships, loans, grants, financial aid, or through your own pockets. If you are eligible for financial aid, the support will be beneficial for you, but you should not rely on only that money alone. Get ahead of the game and start saving money as soon as possible just in case something happens and you need to cover the costs out of pocket. Some aid will only cover your tuition and housing, some will cover just your books. You never know what could happen at any given moment, so being prepared for any unexpected situation financially will always be a plus.