Top 3 Grad Traditions
Seniors carry on the customs of the Rams who came before them.
April 4, 2017
For the past four years, seniors have worked hard to achieve top grades, to get into good colleges and to leave their mark on their school academically, artistically and athletically. With the end of their high school career looming upon them, seniors take a break from their work with the traditional senior-only school events. While prom and graduation are the big staples, seniors look forward to the panoramic picture, senior auction and senior skip day.

Senior Auction
A two day event where senior students sign up to be auctioned off and bid on by fellow students and faculty members. Once they are bought, the seniors dress up however the person who bought them wants, as long as it is within the dress code guidelines. The senior auction will take place on April 5 this year, and fulfillment day will take place on April 7.
Panoramic Picture
On April 5, 2017, the entire senior class of 781 students will gather in the bleachers by the football field to take one big panoramic picture. Each senior will receive a copy of the picture at senior breakfast on May 25, 2017 from 9-11 am.
Senior Skip Day
This unofficial graduation tradition for seniors is where seniors opt to not attend school on the Monday following prom. But be warned seniors: students who do not attend school will receive an absence that will still count against their exemptions. But despite the consequences, some seniors who can afford to miss a day choose to take an unexcused day off.
Senior year is not only the time for preparing for the rest of your life, but it is also the time to live life to the fullest. With the future staring you in the face, take now to relax as much as possible while at Ridge and take part in some of the traditions listed.