English Students Battle for the last word
Students compete against one another leaving teachers speechLess
March 30, 2017
English IV L students were selected by their English teachers to compete in a speech competition against their classmates during 7th period on Jan. 12th in the teaching theater. Senior Jose Lopez won the competition.
Lopez delivered his speech in sign language about Nyle DiMarco who is an actor, model and deaf activist during the English IV speech competition.
“I choose this person because Nyle showed the hearing world that deaf people can do anything, I mean .. ANYTHING!” Lopez said. “Except hear,” he added.
Jose Lopez presented about how Dimarco set up a foundation to help deaf and hard of hearing children have full access to both English and American Sign Language.

Jose Lopez strongly speaking about his role model’s significance.
“When I presented in before my peers, I felt confident because I knew my speech well,” Lopez said.
Leslie Vasquez another contestant delivered her speech about Shigeru Miyamoto who played a big part in many people’s introduction to video games.
“It was one of the most fear breaking experiences,” Vasquez said.
The students who were selected to compete were Sarah Borrero, Quan Chung, Noel Gonzalez, Dennis Herrera, Kevin Klemp, Loyd Lewis, Jose Lopez, Gusta

vo Medina, Ripley Sumpter, Adrian Vasquez, Leslie Vasquez, and Simone Williams.