Homecoming Court Nominees Selected by Students
October 7, 2016

The court will represent their classes throughout homecoming week.
Freshman through senior students nominated their picks for the 2016 homecoming court on Tuesday, September 27th during English class. A prince and a princess for the freshman, sophomore and junior class was selected based on the highest votes. Five potential queens and five potential kings were chosen to represent the senior class of 2017. The Queen will be announced at half time during the homecoming game on Oct. 14, and the king will be announced the following night at the homecoming dance.
2016 Homecoming Court
Senior Queen Nominees
Denise Guevara
Charizma McDuffie
Savannah Nguyen
Katanah Siharath
Luna Vargas
Senior King Nominees
Kobe House
Nicholas Martinez
Mateo Rudea
Irving “Daniel” Ruiz
Thanh Duc-Brandon Tran
Junior Prince and Princess
Oscar Mendoza and Yesenia Saavedra
Sophomore Prince and Princess
Juan Velazquez and Chelsea Nguyen
Freshmen Prince and Princess
Omar Al-Zibdeh and Brisa Zuno