Band Hosts Third Annual Produce Sale
Students volunteer to sale fruit and vegetables to the community.
October 5, 2016

The band hosted their third annual produce sale on Saturday, Sept. 24- 25 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., on the left wing of the school. Students and volunteers of the New Life Women’s Center helped customers throughout their experience at the produce sale.
Head Director of Bands, Armando Robledo received produce donations from Country Fresh, Inc. Late Head Director of Bands Andrew Nixon, started the produce sale with a partnership with Country Fresh, Inc. which later Robledo picked up for a fundraiser this year.
“It helps the community by supporting a great cause which is the women’s center, and, it helps raise money, and it helps that wonderful foundation,” Robledo said.
Teachers and staff of CFISD received a 10% discount off their purchase when they showed their District or school ID. All proceeds went to the Cy-Ridge Mighty Ram Band and the New Life Women’s Center. The band made an estimated amount of 20 thousand dollars at the produce sale.
Junior Stephanie Rodriguez helped in the second annual produce sale when she was a freshmen, and after hearing that the produce sale was going to happen this year, she jumped a the opportunity to volunteer once again.
“I think it’s a great cause, it helps our band program, and apart of the money goes to women in shelters,” Rodriguez said. “I think it’s good that the band knows we’re helping the community, it shows us high schoolers that it’s good to help others rather than be selfish and just help ourselves.”

Alexandra Strode holding produce in the second annual produce sale.
Senior Alexandra Strode volunteered every year since the fundraiser began in 2013, volunteering her time at the fundraiser was a must for her senior year.
“The Annual Produce Sale is our biggest fundraiser of the year. We get to help provide great produce to the public while also maintaining a high quality band program and helping our students be musically successful. It’s a win-win for everyone!” Strode said.