The Doors to Diverse Couples
Interracial couples ignore stereotypes to maintain a solid relationship.
Photo by: Roxanne Almagur
Cameo Reininga and Adrian Gooding love to swap their accessories and jackets for a day.
February 8, 2016
Interracial couples have been in and out of the say “spotlight” so to say throughout the years. The way things were back then are completely different.. Back then it was not accepted to date out of your race. Time has progressed as more people are able to except different ethnic groups, and perspectives have been changed.
Today in America, according to Kimberly Gedeon from the website Madame Noire, the statistics on interracial relationships have increased over the years. In 1959 only 4% of citizens approved of interracial couples in the United States. A recent poll in 2013 displayed that 87% of American citizens approved of the whole idea of interracial relationships.
Photo by: Roxanne Almaguer
The whole idea on interracial relationships have changed but, what do the couples deal with on a daily basis? Interracial couples like Cameo Reininga and Adrian Gooding attend Cypress Ridge High School; they have been together for 4 months. They have an insight of what it truly is to be in the spotlight because there aren’t many interracial couples around; even though they have increased in numbers.
“Like yeah my mom did react but it wasn’t like negativity,” Reininga said. Reininga’s significant other, Gooding included, “No, I mean my mom thinks she’s like my first girlfriend ever, because I always lied, but she was happy.”
Interracial couples have diverse cultures and they become exposed with different lifestyles of each other’s cultures. Being around someone with different backgrounds is really interesting to learn about. “I’m German and I’m Irish,” says Cameo Reininga. “My dad is black and my mom is French and Scottish,” claims Adrian Gooding.
Sophomore Kiet Pham and junior Alexandra Strobe have been dating for 10 months. Pham is a Vietnamese male and Alexander Strobe is a Caucasian female.
Address to Alexandra physical characteristics, Pham imparts, “I like how squeaky her cheeks are.”
Photo by: Roland Ieng
They first met in day care as children when their parents would drop them off. Strobe at first was new to the daycare, however Pham had been there for a while and he started talking to her. “I remember when we use to play together a lot and laugh,” Pham said.
They both started getting interested in each other during the spring and then began dating on March 2015. This is their first interracial relationship.
So far, they don’t really have any bitter experiences concerning racial negativity in their relationship. “I really don’t see anything from anybody, so I really don’t care honestly,” said Pham.
However, Strobe had a different answer. “Some people just like comment on our contrast because we look really different,” said Strobe.
In addition, as for their parent’s opinions, Strobe had already told her mother of her relationship with Pham. Strobe’s mother is in approval of their relationship since she has known him for a long time.
Cypress Ridge is known for its diversity among students and it creates possibilities for many interracial couples. In addition, not many students expressed any negative opinions towards interracial couples, making a community for diversity abundant and opening opportunities for more relationships.