Heroes of Diversity
Today’s heroes shows that they have the power to save lives even if they are a different color or religion.
Photo by: Mercedez Rodriguez
February 8, 2016
In the 1940 Captain America’s comics were made, he was based off the perfect america (at the time) Blonde hair, Blue eye, male and in the army. Most heroes from the the 50’s on, the heroes were many white and male. Today heroes are diverse being different races and gender, this heroes are the ones the are the Americans. They are the melting pot and prove that even though that are not that perfect american from the 50’s yet they are still pushing through the way of old culture to bring the new.
Photo by: Mercedez Rodriguez
Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)- Khan lives a normal 16 year old life, who writes Avenger fan-fictions and wants to go to parties. She struggles with having to deal with her strict but loving family, she can not do a lot of things she wants due to her parents beliefs, even getting grounded for staying out past curfew. Khan has a childish way of crime fighting, she once grew two times her size riding a robot like a bull. She believes anyone gifted with Ms. Marvel’s power should use them to fight for what right
Spiderman (Miles Morales)- Morales is a 13 year old Brooklyn native living with his African American father and Puerto Rican mother. After getting the powers, he struggles to understand what it he needs to take the place of Peter Parker.Thus causing Morales to figure out his new life even if it means pushing away friends and family, even going against his own morals.