Rams of Ridge: Brandon Lopez
Photo by: Mercedez Rodriguez
November 17, 2015
Brandon Lopez is passionate about his life, friends and career. He is inspired by his mother and anyone who has been successful. His greatest accomplishments is graduating high school two years early at 16. This semester he is looking forward to getting accepted into college, interacting with school activities and enjoying his last year. Two things he cannot live without are his parents and his music.
Grade: 12
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite band: Nirvana
Favorite song: “The A Team” by Ed Sheeran
Favorite book: Paper Towns
Favorite movie: Goodfellas
Favorite TV show: “The Walking Dead”
Favorite subject in school: Science
Clubs or extracurricular activities: Key club and Interact
If you had to throw out everything from your closet, but could only keep one item, what would it be?
“A doll my great great grandmother made for me”