Gun Control: Yes or No?

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May 12, 2015
As we move further into 2015 we see major changes happening in politics that in which involves the controversial topic of gun control.
The Texas legislature is planning to pass a law that permits Texans to openly carry any firearms as long as you have a concealed carry license. As of now you can only openly care rifles and not handguns. Considering Texas is a Republican state you can see how this is a win-win for any gun enthusiast.
However, no matter how many people think this is a great idea there are many more cons than pros in this specific situation.
First off, gun violence has led us to multiple atrocities and deaths in the past decade. It was so bad in 2012 with the events of Sandy Hook and the Colorado shooting many even considered abolishing the second amendment. Seeing how that was a violation of citizens’ rights, it was dropped.
Nonetheless, atrocities just imply how people abuse their power when it comes to guns. There will never be a way of knowing if a gun is loaded or not, nevertheless a person’s intentions.
There will be no sense of security if this law is passed. People want to know they are safe and this law will simply not cut it. Take the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado 2012. The event was so severe President Obama had to step in and pay his respects to the victims affected on national television. Performing a simple task such as going out to the movies will have you thinking if that is the last time you will be seeing your family.
No matter how strict this law will be, there will still be a part of society that thinks the severity of the law does not apply to them, an example would be students. With a new level of access to guns, this law could see an increase of students bringing any firearms to campuses. We have all seen the powerful impact guns have had on a school, especially those victimized in Sandy Hook Elementary back in 2012.
Photo by: Flicker
Yet again, enforcing this new law in Texas could make the difference in between a life or death situation you may never know can occur. Not to be fooled, let 2012 be the exemplary year of gun horror in the United States.
If moving into the 21st century has taught us anything, it is that voters have the right, in more specific terms, they hold the future of every Texan at stake. This law will more than likely be legalized, and maybe passing the law will be a wake up call on the violence it will could bring to many if not the government on the mistake they have made.