Live and Let Live
Karina explains why she chose the vegetarian lifestyle.

May 11, 2015
Each day I come out of the lunch line and ask if anyone would like the chicken I grab stating that it’s because I’ve made the decision to become a vegetarian. And each day, people question my decision. “Why did you stop eating meat?” “Where do you get your protein?” “I wonder how long that is going to last.” So this would be my question to those people, why would it matter to them? But of course, they are human so they would have questions and curiosity to those who differ from them. The reason being for my vegetarian ways, I finally concluded my point of view as to how the world of today works.
It starts with my belief saying that every human being in today’s society only lives to serve themselves. If a person does something unworthy, they come up with an excuse to make their actions seem justifiable. Mostly they like to put blame on others so they would not be at fault. Except the reality is that the only ones to leave blame onto, is ourselves. It is one’s own fault that we commit crimes against our own self-worth. That we are the ones to allow our minds to be corrupted by the ignorance placed in front of us. Does that make humans “evil”? I don’t believe so. In my opinion, there is no such thing as evil. People tend to just dismiss the information of oneness that is presented to them only because it is not what they have been shown in their current time of existence.
“It is never a crime to exist.” (Cutty Flam, One Piece)
I then came to my own realization that had made me question, why is it that when people see a being commit something we believe to be harmful, inappropriate, or wrong in general, our first reaction is to wish death upon that person? That we feel their very existence to be unjust? That their very existence is a crime? I’ve concluded as to how corrupt and ignorant the human mind has truly come to now. That automatically, people resort to violence when one doesn’t get their own way. Then I question if that is actually our species true nature such as any other. I can see that my answers will never truly be found or justified. But I am satisfied with that conclusion. There are many questions to this universe that never needs to be answered. And this is the type of species we are; a species that can have their own answers. A species that can be coaxed with “reasonable” conclusions, such as farm factories and slaughter houses, to satisfy themselves with what seems justifiable. Like freedom, justice is also a state of mind; and like time, I’ve concluded that justice is non- existent and is only a human concept to ease the minds as to what is right and what is wrong. A made up concept to keep the people in order and following a line instead of accepting life as it is and flowing with ease. In my eyes, whatever that taught our species this concept clearly only wanted to ease their own mind with the concept of justice. This then leads me to the concept of death.
“Our most important task is to transform our consciousness so that violence is no longer an option for us in our personal lives, that understanding that a world of piece is possible only if we relate to each other as peaceful beings, one individual at a time.” – Deepak Chopra
How is it that us, the human species, believe it to be unjust for one person to kill another out of spite but justifiable for humans to shamelessly and easily take a life and soul away from an animal because we want to eat? Every living, breathing, walking, swimming, flying, species on this planet are in the same. We all coexist on Earth with each other. We all bleed when harmed; we all cry when pained, we all fear when scared. We all love when we feel affection. So why would we want to slowly kill out every other earthling on this planet? This is because the human species feels it to be justified as the other earthlings are seemingly portrayed as “unintelligent” or “dull”. The human race is aware of its advantages and intellect so we portray it as power. And because of this power, as a species we take advantage and see no reason to harm and kill another species all to taste the flavors of meat. And the big question is; what about them? Others seem to see it as fair since they are “animals”; they feel no pain when they die. Yet, they do. They feel so much pain inside that their blood boils just like us. But only because we are not a similar species, people see it as a big difference with our own humanity. In reality, there is so much similarity and so much likeness in every single creature containing vertebrae on this planet that one cannot comprehend.
“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.” –Charles Darwin
All of human’s ancient ancestors believed that we are all connected in some way. This includes ALL being living on this planet. Yet, where have those morals gone? Humans hunt, kill, and torment other species for food, clothing, sport, entertainment, and experiments. What is our justified reason and conclusion for that; to help ourselves? We are a selfish species. No doubt about that conclusion. But there are ways to coexist with others without the need of our corrupted minds. There are ways to live in this society without selfishness. And I’ve concluded that to be kindness. I’ve concluded that to be oneness; to live in society coexisting with all souls. And for me to be doing that, I had felt that I should stop contradicting myself and truly being one with all earthlings. You can’t say that you love all animals and then drown yourself in the blood of what you claimed to be affectionate of. This is only my conclusion. This is only my view of justice. And these reasons are mine along with many other vegetarians.
When I speak of this to people, I’m not trying to change their views and “force” them to stop eating meat. I am only stating my opinion. If a person has an open mind and allows them to accept these reasons, maybe their minds will be changed for a good cause. But these are only my views and conclusions to the world. People can only state their own.