Rams of Ridge: Angela Nguyen
Photo by: Mercedez Rodriguez
Anglea is a member of six organizations at Cypress Ridge: Key Club, Student Council, Marching Band, Symphony Orchestra, Math Honor Society, National Honor Society
Angela Nguyen plans to go to a four year university, major in biochemistry and go to medical school. She is passionate about music, math, and God. Her biggest accomplishment has been being Drum Major and being able to interact with all her peers and help improve the community and school as a member. She is looking forwards to graduation. God constantly inspires her and the three things she cannot live without are her mom, dad, and God.
Grade: 12
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite band: Phoenix
Favorite book: Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Favorite movie: White Chicks
Favorite TV show: “How I Met Your Mother”
Favorite subject in school: Math
Clubs or extracurricular activities: Key Club, Student Council, Marching Band, Symphony Orchestra, Math Honor Society, National Honor Society
If you had to throw out everything from your closet, but could only keep one item, what would it be?
“My furry panda blanket—at least I can use it to stay warm.”