Rams of Ridge: Melinda Powers
Photo by: Mercedez Rodriguez
Melinda Powers greatest accomplishment is having the opportunity of running varsity cross country. She is passionate about helping people, running, and music. This semester she is mostly looking forward to symphony orchestra’s trip to Chicago. After high school she wants to go to Baylor, medical school, and become an OBGYN. She is inspired by people who follow their faith and work hard. The three things she can’t live without is her Bible, running shoes, and her flute.
Grade: 11
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite band: Imagine Dragons
Favorite song: “Hall of Fame” by The Script
Favorite book: The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen
Favorite movie: Despicable Me
Favorite TV show: “Greys Anatomy”
Favorite subject in school: Math
Clubs or extracurricular activities: Band, cross country, FCA
If you had to throw out everything from your closet, but could only keep one item, what would it be?
My hoodie