Seniors Last First Day


On the first day of high school as a freshman, all you think about is senior year. Senior year has a lot of lasts. There is still the first day of school called, the last first day of high school. Class of 2022 once walked the halls of every High School in CFISD as freshmen. Now… They are all seniors. The last few pages of this chapter, so-called high school, have begun.

The last first day was the most chaotic day of school for all students. Every student on this campus is back to face-to-face and seniors have not really experienced a year with this many kids on campus. Not only were there hundreds of kids in the hallways, but many things in school were changing. There are new phone rules that are in place after years of requesting them. Then there are clear backpacks, but do not worry seniors you will no longer have them in college.

Between natural disasters, a worldwide pandemic, and change in general, seniors still have hope. Hope for a good, eventful, & productive year. They are ready to finish their last year on a high school campus, to show the world who they are, and achieve their life goal. Before that happens, they still have to survive senior year. In high school, everything is about survival, but this year there seems to be a different mindset. This year’s graduation class is full of life and ready to tackle any obstacle. Anyone can tell you that all the senior classes were full of happiness and laughter. Yes, summer is over, but the fun has just begun. Cade Wall, one of the seniors at Cy-Ridge High School, stated “ It is senior year and I get to see these people one last year. Why not make the best out of it”. No one knows how this year is turning out for them, but it is fascinating how they are changing the underclassmen’s perspective of high school. Out of all the kids in high school seniors know that high school is not like they see in movies. With all honesty, movies like High School Musical are nothing compared to real life. There is one thing that the typical American high school movies got right, the friendships in high school are the strongest ones. Like all teenagers, there is drama in every friendship. “ When I walked through those doors on the first day of senior year, our last first day, I realized that a good friendship is bitter and sweet,” Dylan Woodland stated as he walked with his friends down the halls of Cy-Ranch High School. Seniors enter their high school doors with a different mentality. They are about to be adults, so they realize that friendships are priceless. The friendships they make senior year can be either the ones that last a life time or the ones that are gone after graduation. No matter the case there is a valuable lesson in either.

Every graduation class will have its special first day of senior year. The Class of 2022 is full of life and hope. For all the seniors, keep fighting, stay strong, you can do this. You go through the last first day of high school. Underclassmen, your last first day awaits you. Some advice from Fernanda Rios, one of our seniors at Langham Creek High School, to all out students in CFISD “Don’t fear, just believe”.